
Science, public administration and civil society are united in two tasks: To inform the public about the topic Munitions in the Sea and about the risk assessment in connection with the ammunition disposal – to be communicated open and with a certain degree of transparency.

The information of the public, the exchange about scientific knowledge and the discussion of practical measures for ammunition disposal form the basis for successful joint action, social acceptance and trust into the actors involved.

KMCW’21: Economic opportunities

KMCW’21: Legal aspects


Public Administration

The riparian states of the North and Baltic Sea make different efforts for the elimination and destruction of ammunition in the sea. Dealing with these military legacies is transferred to different actors in the individual states. The collection of the data and their constant updating form the basis for dealing with the military legacy by navy, coast guard or explosive ordnance clearing service.

International cooperation through intergovernmental working groups and Institutions as well as those on the plane of EU and NATO interlock the national efforts for the solution of the problem of Munitions in the Sea.


Many research institutes examine questions about Munitions in the Sea. Results of the research projects deliver for many years the basic data for purposeful handling with Munitions in the Sea. Numerous scientific studies, research reports and conferences are documenting the current state of research as well as current and planned scientific projects.


National and international NGOs represent successfully the problem of Munitions in the Sea. They play a special role between the civil society and national decision makers. Depending on their own focus they a cooperating with sciences or deliver independent insights for a professional handling of munitions contaminated sites in the sea. Their intermediary function is central for the diverse approaches for solving the problem of Munitions in the Sea.

Risk assessment

Public administration

Precondition for the goal-oriented handling with the risks of Munitions in the Sea and the presentation of a comprehensive overview of the situation is a competent risk assessment.

There are divers dangers connected with Munitions in the Sea for the ecosystem of the seas, the flora and fauna and human beings. To recognise and assess them in a comprehensible manner needs the cooperation of experts of different disciplines and government agencies.


The results of scientific research form the basis for knowledge and evaluation of the risks, connected with Munitions in the Sea. The assessment of general environmental damage, of the negative impact on the marine environment and of the dangers for human beings in their environment are only possible on the base of scientific research – this always forms an integral part for a systematic and targeted risk assessment.


The work of NGOs takes up the findings of scientific research, accompanies the measures of government agencies to avert danger and develops independent ways for a responsible handling of the problem of Munitions in the Sea. The NGOs turn to politics and public to accomplish a critical awareness for the type and scope of necessary measures. The raising awareness of the risks, connected with Munitions in the Sea, ensures the quality of comprehensive risk studies.


Regional Coordination

To sufficiently govern and protect the large marine water-bodies around Europe regional coordination has been established by international conventions.